Board :Chronicles of the Winds
Author :Anata
Subject :/|\ Animal Devotion
Date :6/7
Greetings to all reading the Chronicles of our Kingdoms of the Winds.

I am writing here to speak about my recent decision to devote to an Animal Spirit. It is one I have thought on for quite a while, and after reading works from the Druids it has become clear.

Sheep are animals known for following, and only following, but to me they do much more than that. Sheep will pick up and sacrifice what they know, where they stay and follow. They will balance their priorities to move along to where they are choosing to be led.

These are characteristics that require trust, strength, and a great devotion to their cause. I see my own self in these actions. I trust in my cause, in my beliefs, in my own honor to follow a trusting leader. And with that, I follow.

I sacrifice what I may be doing and where I am to go to where I am being led. If I am called to the forefront, I balance my priorities and lead, never stopping toward the cause.

Sheep understand a good leader, a good cause and are strong, all things that are deeply important to me. It is for these reasons I wish to devote to the Animal Spirit of Sheep.

-Anata Sanaro