Board :Chronicles of the Winds
Author :Coquin
Subject :Apology Letter to the Community
Date :10/20
To my fellow poets, storytellers, judges, and the esteemed community,
I write this letter with a heart full of regret and humility, seeking to make amends for my past transgression.
In my younger days, driven by a foolish desire for recognition, I committed an act of plagiarism on the Poetry Revel.
At the time, I did not fully grasp the weight of my actions, nor did I consider the harm it would bring to those who dedicate themselves to the art of storytelling.
I now see that taking another?s work as my own was a betrayal not only of the judges who upheld the revel?s integrity but also of the entire community that cherishes creativity and originality.

To the Poetry Revel judges, I offer my deepest apologies.
You entrusted participants with the honor of showcasing their talents, and I failed that trust.
My actions disrespected the time, effort, and wisdom you poured into maintaining a fair and just revel.
I am truly sorry for putting you in a position where your judgment was questioned due to my deceit.

To the community, I extend my sincerest apologies as well.
Many of you have shared your stories and poetry with honesty and passion, only for my actions to cast a shadow over such a cherished tradition.
I have learned from my mistakes and now understand that recognition means nothing without integrity.
I vow never to repeat such an offense and to instead contribute meaningfully and honorably to the community that I once wronged.

I am grateful beyond words to King ChaeRi and God Alilolelotte for granting me the opportunity to present my case in the royal court petition.
Their willingness to consider my plea is a kindness I do not take for granted, and I shall forever be thankful for their wisdom and grace.

While my ultimate hope is to be granted a royal pardon, I also hope to have the Banned from Revels legend
removed as the revels no longer exist.
I will dedicate myself to upholding these values moving forward, proving through my actions that I have truly changed.

With deep remorse and sincere hope,