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Throughout my life I have found compaionship in the vast forest of the Wilderness. It has offered tranquility and love. The animals are vast and seemingly never ending. Some crawl, some walk, some fly. They all exist for a reason. Living here, I have developed a keen sense of smell and sharp eyes. These abilities have provided me with inate knowledge and drive to hunt - but only for food, never pleasure, never out of anger. Stepping out of the forest has shown me that good people do exist. I have found love in others. They provide lots of smiles, laughs, and happiness. I have been an ignorant one; though living in bliss. I had not known these experiences were all provided by the mighty Cernunnos. It is like they have been guiding me ever since I was born. I cannot ever thank them enough. Through the Element of Air and the love and bountiful forests of Cernunnos - I whole heartedly devote myself. ~Curate | |