Board :Chronicles of the Winds
Author :GokuM
Subject :2 Letters
Date :2/14
- a Ram's horn is impaling the letter into the wall-

Sister WillowN,
     I came back from my journey outside the kingdom to share this information with you, please do with this information as you see fit. The Deamon's in Naraka sing praises towards your work as of late. The are enjoying the carnage so far now all  I hear is the echoing word "Encore" I haven't heard screams like this since my Dohsa had some of her traveling fancies that left a gaping hole in a cesspool.

Interested in what comes next,
G.o.k.u. Majere

-4 rat ears are nailed into each corner of the letter with blood dripping down the middle of the letter-

To the Betrayer,
This is to the person who doesn't understand the concept of what family is. I hope you know I have seen the "spirits" speaking with you and absolutely all of them have spent time in Naraka. Please note as during my travels and have also met with those same parties, perhaps more then you as I see them in their homes not when Daddy and the army isn't drag them to speak with you. Their methods works for them in that area not everything carries over to our home and honestly who would trust the words forced out of a person that way. I know you have been warned by the elder, but let me reiterate it stay out of my family's business or maybe Grandpa can spend some time in Naraka atoning for your foolish sins. Maybe you would like to join like to join your grandfather I know your screams would put my heart at ease, Betrayer.

Keep to your castle Betrayer,
G.o.k.u. Majere
-the blood swirls around the name and pools where the writing stops-