Board :Chronicles of the Winds
Author :Illpallazo
Subject :Plea of the People of Nagnang to the King
Date :4/22
To His Majesty, King ChaeRi of Nagnang,

Your Majesty,

With heavy hearts and unwavering resolve, we, the loyal citizens of Nagnang, humbly come before you to beseech your wisdom and strength in this time of peril. The sanctity of our kingdom, the honor of our Royal Guard, and the safety of our people are under threat from the brazen actions of the Merchant Guild of Kugnae.

Your Majesty, we implore you to heed our plea and take decisive action to protect Nagnang's sovereignty. The nuisance caused by the members of the Merchant Guild cannot be tolerated any longer. They seek to undermine the authority of our Royal Guard, tarnishing the very essence of Nagnang's strength and unity.

We urge you, Your Majesty, to stand firm against this encroachment upon our lands and our dignity. Do not allow the Merchant Guild of Kugnae to trample upon the honor of Nagnang unchecked. Let it be known throughout the realms that Nagnang shall not yield to such affronts.

We trust in your wisdom and leadership, Your Majesty. Strengthen our resolve, bolster our defenses, and lead us fearlessly into the fray. Let the world witness the unwavering might of Nagnang under your reign.

With deepest respect and unwavering loyalty,

The Citizens of Nagnang