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"Climb every mountain." she said in that raspy hard to hear voice. She looked mildly disgusted. It was hard to describe the dimensional space inside the walls. From the outside, any normal person would feel the texture and see only the porous structure of the cold limestone that held up the very foundation of the castle. The horrendously obtuse thought was about how nobody beyond their kind could imagine solid black foundation that simultaneously surrounded and lived inside the room beyond the visual barrier; the place where fog of war was never to be revealed, with the exception of cultists who followed this magick. A place that both invoked dread and... the naked. This is where they sat inside. "So much for the, cautionary tail of the mountain being a Volcano. In your case, you were quite the, dare I say... a delicate mental mushroom in all of this." The helplessness of the eldest Prince's body floated in the air waist high. She slowly walked around it several times. Lilith still had him under despite yanking him out his bed and into this empty space. The queer sounds of the rats that joined them in this Very, needless to say, ancient and particular space of nostalgia for the Witch and cavalry could provide, scowled nearby while the Others seemed to linger around for the second place participation trophy. "I don't get it." Sam said to whoever was still listening to him. Six sets of legs dangled from what they dubbed Schrodinger's Wall, the place that simultaneously both did and did not exist at the same time throughout the realm. The black void beyond the slanting wall pervading this adjacent and normally inaccessible dimension. Jasper hinted to the Other being. "I suggest mindfulness with this impervious wisdom is about to be granted to us." "Yanks ate Carfax. I'm sorry, but which Yankee player ate their Carfax? And why? Was it at least a Lambo?" .. he threw his hands out and pouted in utmost confusion. "Hey! WAAAAAAIT! WHERE are we going.!!?" "We're leaving." Null said. "Hey wait!!" .. ? "... I... I.. think.. I think I lost my cue cards." "For--ds sake, Jasper, I'm going to.." "Mind your patience. He barely comprehends Grinstead was a place and not a entity despite living close to Portchester. Let alone the other dire ironies." ... "Come." he said, "Let us search for your..." he too, swallowed his pride, "cue cards." With a warm [smile] the man with effigy for a staff helped cloak the walk of shame. They each jumped off into the pitch black absurdity that could not have be accessed beyond normal means, for this was not a clan arena, and no longer was there any capable man in this wall either being able to access it. The Witch despite the awful announcement of idiocy continued on with her spiel. "Ia! Mother goddess of a thousand young will be beyond thrilled to provide with the progeny thanks to the dubious Internet.. perhaps, this place is actually a Thing after all. Not that you would understand of course. After all, such blessed book did mention something about a ghost in the machine for..." she paused briefly and delicately. Lilith was still shadowing at the un-empathized, and in some strange way a many cheer-ful death at the mans feet. ..."any loophole to ever exist. Yes it is indeed always a crazed lone one to act as a madwoman and loner with no social ties. I would agree that I am someone outside the realm and not someone sane. Perhaps, just this once, the patriarchy... hmm, had an exception. With your luck, ah-heh, you will at least have a look-a-like contest in the middle of Washington Square Park as a memorial." Behind her back wielded cloaked reflection of something sharp that glistened with a hard edge. The pitter pats that had been squeaking in the strange location had been crawling up and down the witch the entire time eagerly awaiting to access their next meal, ? not quite being able to reach, and scurrying down her back again in an almost endless loop. | |