Board :Chronicles of the Winds
Author :Kounted
Subject :Master Tracking for fun!!
Date :4/23
    Tracking is a useful skill to say the least. Supper tries to evade you, track it down. Enemies in the area? Evade them and then track them down later to exact revenge for distracting you from your daily grind. There are several ways to utilize the ability to track anything, but the most fun one is tracking down targets for a certain crazy chick.

    Sally tends to go on her rants about how the world is ending, but she never fails to entertain. Over the years I have gone on hundreds of missions tracking down her targets and without fail I have always found my mark. The rewards she gives can be very random, but as a collector of the randomness of life, I welcome anything into my collection.

    If you think you need something to do to kill the boredom of the mundane trials and tribulations that we call life, tracking down prey can be entertaining and depending on the target, quite fun.

    I see myself as a Master Tracker because of the simple fact that anything I deem worthy as prey falls to my dagger and without fail. I have worked hard and trained hard for most of my life in these realms to hone my skills as a tracker and many other skills.

     If you end up on the radar you can run, but you can not hide.
