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To hone up on my skills as a tracker and forager, today I set out to the woodlands once again with my guide Quotah. With the recent weather change, tracking would be more difficult, but I trust my abilities. As we entered the area we took a minute to stretch. The journey was going to be lengthy, but that makes it all the more fun. We first headed north to a barren mining field. To keep my wits about me first thing I did was look around the area to track down any wildlife. Snakes and Rats were the most common ones in the immediate vicinity. Personally I dont like eating snake or rat, but survival might depend on it. Meat is meat afterall. The large trees near by would provide good coverage from any dangerous weather and the nearly dead trees could be used for lumber. I always carry my trusty axe when heading out into the wild. If push came to shove, there was a nearby tent. We next headed west and wandered thru some farm land, careful not to set off any alarms for whoever owned the place. There seemed to be lots of food stewn all over, but thats someone elses mess to clean up. We quickly moved past the area. One of the fun things about the Woodlands is all of the different types of terrain. The next area we came across was akin to an Oasis. There were monkeys and lobster and some crystal clear water. Smacking on the trees a few coconuts found their way into my hands. Using my trusty axe, we split them open, cleaned them out and used them to filter and contain the water so it was drinkable. If I was able to get a good fire going, we could boil it in my frying pan. Once we had enough of the glorious view and got tired of the monkeys making funny faces at me, we set off further southwest. Even with the weather change, there is always one area in the Woodlands that maintains a snowy atmosphere. (Strange right?) Feeling a cool breeze on my back we decided to head north a bit and found said snow. Also found a few bears and pretty butterflies. I guess its more like the bears found us, but whats a Ranger to do in this situation but defend himself. After skinning the bears and eating their raw livers for a quick snack, we got thisty again. Using my frying pan we quickly built a small fire and melted some of the snow that was away from the bear massacre area. I stood around for a bit too long once the journey ended and didnt noticed the new set of bears coming up behind me. They got in a good swipe before I bolted off, but I live to tell this tale. Kounted | |