Board :Chronicles of the Winds
Author :Peacehealer
Subject :Serenity in the Tao
Date :3/30

I am Peacehealer, a simple monk learning as much as I can in the world. I have started this talking to a wise seer learning about diviners. After that short conversation, I realized that we have much in common, us monks and the diviners in our land. We both seek a proper balance of monks, more so in karma diviners, more so in nature and the living world around them.

     Finding serenity in the tao is something I have really found enlightening as a monk. The simple push and pull off the world is so obvious is you only quit your mind and let the world speak. This is something I try to listen to daily. The balance that makes the world, life, even emotions is endless cycles. Sometimes we are sucked in like a whirlpool. Other times we choose to make balance to peace our lives.

I now make more choices daily for the balance of things I regularly as a monk choose to train both my mind and body daily. I also choose to find a balance between my fun and work. One must always work evenly to find Happyness in life. The Ying and the yang are part of us all. We must respect that both good and bad exists in all things and they complete the entire picture.

A Blessed monk