Board :Chronicles of the Winds
Author :Poias
Subject :Master Archery
Date :1/12

I've been in fights. I've been to battle. I've been to war.
It all ends the same. My Sheath with one or two arrows left,
a few cuts and scrapes on my body.

It is always and will always be my weapon of choice when it
comes to fighting off creatures or enemies, hunting for food.
My bow and arrows never let me down.

Master? I laugh at that. I am a self-proclaimed legendary
Archer. I've been in 100's of wars, my legend to show it.
Thousands if you count past lives.

When I was young, I was left to die, alone. The only way I was
able to continue on living, thriving if you will, was mastering
the ability to make my own bow and arrows and hunt. Hit moving
targets with ease.

Of course, it was hard at first, but like anything, I was able
to get the hang of it. From making them out of weak ginko
wood, to having a crafted masterpiece like the Wilderness bow,
I am able to shoot with the best of them.

I am no stranger to a fight, a battle, or a war. I am and
always will be standing with my bow, my arrows and my quiver.

- Poias
Self-proclaimed Legendary Archer.