Board :Chronicles of the Winds
Author :Sakuma
Subject :Contributor of Joy
Date :8/26

Bringing joy to our community means giving opportunities for people to connect, support one another, and enjoy positive experiences or personal growths. It's not just a small act of kindness but rather about working to build a joyful environment where everyone feels valued and included. This can be done in so many ways. The heart of spreading joy is about creating shared experiences that make people feel happy and connected.

I've seen a few individuals that really embody this joy. But as I take a closer look, it seems majority of them already care with them the brand of Contributor of Joy.

Then I remembered an individual who makes everyone feel welcomed, whether you are new here or very old. While she doesn't host any events, she's very active at most events that are hosted, and she's always very welcoming with her sages. She's very helpful to anyone in need. Especially during the holiday seasons when most people are busy and stressed, Kaoru goes out of her way to spread messages of compassion and support.

Congratulations Kaoru!!
