Board :Chronicles of the Winds
Author :Tarryn
Subject :  A Pack to Run With
Date :3/23

I will never get accustomed to these expansive, stoney halls. I must, however, step inside and integrate a little...
Learn to trust again, perhaps.

I admit, how I got here is a little...fuzzy, to say the least. I spent the better part of my formative years, as far as my recollection extends, a prisoner, so to speak. I suspect my mind has repressed a great number of things, but the memories that creep back are generally fairly unpleasant, the faces that flash before my eyes a strange blend of familiar and yet foreign - like a word that sits at the tip of one's tongue but you cannot bring it to mind. I recall chains, I recall the sting of a whip, I recall fire and pain...

Whatever terrors I have experienced have been safely placed behind a wall in my mind, with a window firmly shuttered. On occasion, the slats will open a crack, but never will I let whatever rests behind them flood in entirely. Yes, this is for the best, and is perhaps the best way to explain things.

I awoke one morning, deep in the Woodlands, a pack of dogs whining at me and licking my feet, with broken shackles yet on my wrists. This is the first memory I recall with crystal clarity. Everything -past- that is lucid, normal, regular life, and for this I am thankful; everything -before- that, a broken shard of glass in that horrible window. It seems I am of a sanguine nature, however, and have simply decided there is no reason to dwell on what cannot be changed.

No, I seek no pity, I seek no answers, I seek not to open those cryptic ancient doors best left shut...
All that I seek now is a new life. A purpose. An identity.

All that I know is that when I awoke that day, with the trees and the greenery looming about me, I felt like I was...home. I don't know what I have done in the past, but I was able to befriend those dogs with ease, was able to find my way through the thick dark forest, survived for some time on my own, trapping and mapping my routes, before I found my way to "civilization" again. Alone, in the forest, surviving, but...well, being alone gets pretty lonely. While there is a certain appeal to being a "lone wolf"...

I find my footing and forge forth, to find a pack to run with.
