Board :Chronicles of the Winds
Author :Tarryn
Subject :  It has been some time...
Date :4/25

 People have not always been kind.
 The world has not always been kind.

 It has been some time since opening my eyes that morning
  and finding myself amidst the wildflowers with the sun
  on my face, the hot sticky breath of wild dogs against
  my cheek. It has been some time since those wounds have
  finally healed, settling into soft pink lines of
  remembrance of a time I can no longer recall. It has
  been some time since I flinched at human touch and have
  had it been warranted rather than the echo of past

 It has been some time.

 It has been some time alone, some time with only trees
  and dogs as companions, some time since someone else has
  made food for me; some time since my voice was used for
  something beyond a whistle, some time since there was
  a roof between mine eyes and the stars, some time since
  fire was a friend rather than a foe.

 Whatever darkness lay behind me, I found my rebirth
  amongst the trees, amongst the foliage, amongst the small
  chittering animals and the larger more foreboding ones
  who wish to be left alone. A new beginning, forging my
  fresh footing out from the encompassing wilderness,
  a staff to guide my feet, into the unknown - to learn
  to trust, to learn to thrive, to learn

 Yes, to live.
 Such an adventure.

 The wilderness that caressed me, that fed me, that
  nurtured me, that kept me safe and secure as my
  vulnerability lapsed, my heart healed, my mind soothed...

 What it provided, I reciprocated - fresh seeds to
  saplings to tiny budding trees, wildflowers spread from
  riverbank to riverbank to bring color and beauty to the
  land, the culling of dangerous predators as needed to
  spare the small and harmless creatures for another day...

 We are a part of the world around us, and so much as it
  provides we should, in kind, nurture and cultivate.
  We need one another, the wonderful wilds and ourselves,
  just as we need one another as a community.
  To walk in common cause...

 I know where I belong.
 The path of the wilderness calls me, and to it's service
  I commit myself and find my family.
