Board :Chronicles of the Winds
Author :WillowN
Subject :To ChaeRi
Date :3/17

Firstly, I will be crystal clear: I do not recognize you as the rightful king of Nagnang.

I would like to point out that your ascension to the throne was shrouded in ambiguity and claims to be the heir to the Sukayan bloodline without proof. Nagnang accepted you because the Primogens of the clans at the time voted and felt it imperative to have structure in the form of a crown to rule over us, and you claimed the right to the throne. No one demanded proof of who you claimed to be at the time because they were desperate. I did not, either, upon my return. When we first met, I got the impression that you were genuine in your desire to heal the wounds of Nagnang, embrace our past and our culture in bringing it to the present, and bolster Nagnang to be the greatest nation within the Kingdoms by harnessing and cultivating its innate strengths. I allowed all of my questions as to your legitimacy to fall to the wayside, for I admittedly was swayed by your silver tongue.

It is true that you came to Nagnang's aid in our time of need as we fought the Mongol invaders. I have heard it was your jade green banners in the distance that heralded our inevitable victory, when Blight was outnumbered and struggling on the front lines to protect Nagnang. Upon my return to the kingdoms, I was serenaded by the tales of your courage in attempting to lead Nagnang into a new era thereafter, rebuilding the ruins of the Palace and bringing order and stability to Nagnang when our country was falling to chaos in the aftermath of the Blood War. However, I will not let your early benevolence overshadow all of your other actions of late. Perhaps at one point you meant well, and that your heart was in the right place. But what sits on the throne at present is not a benevolent king who has Nagnang's core at his heart. What sits there now is a despot hell-bent on forcing his will upon a people who quite possibly were never his own to begin with.

Rather than embracing the richness of Nagnang's culture and traditions, you have chosen to impose your own vision upon our land.  Nagnang is not a canvas which you can paint your personal aspirations. It is a living, breathing thing with a sprawling history that long predates your arrival on the scene and that is thoroughly embedded into Her. You have sought to mold Nagnang in your image, thereby denying its inherent beauty. Nagnang is not whatever you want it to be, for Nagnang already Is, and Has Been since before you were concieved.

We Forsaken remember what it looked and felt like. For one example, it has been hundreds of yuris/hyuls since the farmland to the south was suddenly abandoned due to the war. The houses still hold the memories of those who once dwelled there. It has been even longer since the War, which you have swept under the rug because you simply were not there and do not care. Tell me, what have you done to help Her recover? Get the Druids to plant a rainbow tree?

You have requested that I, as well Merchant Elder everclear reflect upon our actions, considering the "consequences" of the choices we have made. Now, I make a quest for you to do some reflection: perhaps true leadership is not about control and domination, but rather about service to the people you lead--not about bestowing kindness and leniency upon those who you "want" to lead and getting assistance from the gods themselves to punish those who do not conform to your vision.

        Willow Nitarra Gresham
        Forever Forsaken

P.S: I also do not plan to abide by any which you make.