Board :Chronicles of the Winds
Author :Xipo
Subject :('/.) A path to Balance
Date :7/21
My life has been a rather easy one. One where I do not go without want or need. I have been quite fortunate that my father, Korhedron Khan, has been a successful Merchant and has provided me with everything my heart desires.
    For 28 years I haven't thought twice about how I grew up. I just assumed that all the people in the kingdoms have had the same upbringing and that life was good. That there wasn't anything more to life than having nice things and getting portly. But I've begun to notice that nothing I do really has been fulfilling. I'm begining to realize that perhaps happiness truly can't be bought.
   I spoke to my father about this and he smiled and began to appologize to me for spoiling me my entire life. He said he always knew that I was destined to be more than just a kid living off their parents wealth. My father could tell that I was looking for something more in this life, and he pointed me in the direction of one of my aunts, The Geomancer BruXinha.
   BruXinha began to explain that there was much more to this world than just material things. And she could sense that my Qi was off balace. She pushed me towards begining my studies with the Geomancers. This really began to open my eyes to how the world the works, and with it I have found a new purpose in my life. This is what I was born to be, this is where I belong!
   Life inside of the city walls was safe. It was always meant to be that way. And inside of those walls, things can get loud, messy and we become out of touch of who are. Visiting some new friends in the wilderness, I  feel free. The fog has been lifted my mind, and I am able to clearly focus on what is important in this world.
   Starting to understand Qi and how it flows is only the begining for me, I know I have only started to scratch the surface. For the first time in my life I am excited to push myself to be a part of something thats more than myself. Something that can help all people in the kingdoms. And to understand how the world works, and how we can change our lives in it. I believe my calling is that of a Geomancer. And I hope to make them proud to call me brother some day. Until then, I will keep studying and learning how to balance all things in my life.

-XueSheng Xipo