Board :Chronicles of the Winds
Author :beebz
Subject :Reflection on Butterfly
Date :4/3

I'm Beebz a nature seeker guided by Noots.
Butterfly is a beautiful creature that can be found in the City, Forrest even in the busy area. Sometimes, we found two or three Butterflies weaving in the air dancing with each other seems like they talking and sharing Joy together. Hence, what we do not see was how these Butterfly become this beautiful with their colorful and unique shape of their wings.

From here, we can learn small changes, hard work, perseverance and patience are bearing fruit. On top of that that fruit not only can be enjoy by themselves but also can be shared with others to give comfort/encouragement and more.

I believed this Butterfly is my spirit animal, knowing its symbolize Transformation and Rebirth not from nothing but from hard work and consistency.

Hope above words inspire others.
