Board :Chronicles of the Winds
Author :champa
Subject :seasonal tracking~
Date :1/27
                       seasonal tracking

tracking is an huge portion of our survival inn most our lands we come across portions of the most rewarded areas and knowing an few tricks on how too survive will ensure you and your fellow travelors safety along the way.
sharpness: keeping an eyeball open of everyone inn your group allows you too communicate there may bee an commotion or deadly animal ahead.
camoflauge: being less noticed than other objects inn an enviornment could bee the clean clear cut way too evacuate which could bee an hostile situation within the quickness.
planning: knowing the type of "roubish" your next meal plan is number one for your new discovered location. step one tracks are they bunny rabbits are they moose which type of tools you will need for your next capture souly rely on how well you are able too gauge your next haul, also allows you and the the other anround you ensured safety.

ledgers too water the mellons
