Board :Chronicles of the Winds
Author :fhTrapstar
Subject :I worship Druantia
Date :10/30
Knowing the Ee san trials were fast approaching I toiled away in the groves long past sun down, on occasion all the way until I notice the moon. Realizing the beauty of it hanging silently in the sky as the murmur of nature ebbs and flows all around, I gained an affinity for the full moon and began to make a point of visiting to observe it at the dead of night while it was strongest. Something about the darkness of the groves churning with life and energy even as most things sleep deeply makes the apparent barren beauty of the moon even more striking somehow. On my ways to the groves, I would see aged tree's having grown many moons over their lifetimes and once there fresh growth excitedly seeking the sunlight it needs to flourish recognizing the importance of all stages of growing. One late night trip I ran into a druid who was helping a tree struck by lightning to shed some of its damaged layers so that it would either be able to grow strong again or he would know it could not be repaired. Surveying the carnage from the strike I was sure that nothing could survive that let alone flourish, but now it stands a testament to my ignorance one of the largest I see on the route to the groves and one of my favourite to nap under. Druantia's blessing permeates all aspects of our lifes and ive lived in a way that celebrates that so far I hope to continue to learn more about her wisdom and teachings.