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` .: .yo :No -my .yh. o. -+`-hNd: -dMMm. ds sN``NMMMN`mMMMM: :+h/ .dh..MMMMN`NMMMh-mMMM- -/ .NMMN.+NMm: .ss/`mMMMM- +m +MMMM: .sdNNNmy/`mMMN/.:yy .dMMs`oMMMMMMMMMN::::dMMMs `:/omMMMMMMMMMMMs `NMMMM+ .dMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMo.dMMh: ============== :MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNy- ================ +NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMN .---..-+ymMMMMMMMMN/ .+shdh <b> BEAR RENEGADES 6:30pm EST, Fri 21st Bear Clan Cave Bear Renegade is a social deduction game where players work as a team to scavenge enough to eat without losing their stockpiles to the hidden renegades. Rules explained at the time, but are included below for reference. Prize pool: 3m Catch us at 6:30pm EST, Fri 21st in the Bear cave - between Kugnae's north gate and the arena! <b> [//] --------- The Vale Bears forage for food to survive the supernatural cold. Some players are brainwashed minions of Deathwish, unknown to the others. Each turn plays as follows - * The leader proposes a team and all players vote on it. * If successful, the team goes foraging - any renegades on the team may secretly sabotage the trip. After the trip, the next turn begins with a new leader. * If the vote is unsuccessful, the next turn begins immediately with a new leader. If 3 hunts succeed, the bears win. If 3 hunts fail, Deathwish's minions win. For each hunt, the number of bears on the team will change depending on number of players. If the vote fails 5 times in a row, the family falls into disarray and Deathwish instantly wins. | |