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_____ ____ / ____| / __ \ | (___ __ _ | | | | __ _ _ __ ___ \___ \ / _` | | | | |/ _` | '__/ _ \ ____) | (_| | | |__| | (_| | | | __/ |_____/ \__,_| \____/ \__, |_| \___| _______ _ _ __/ | |__ __| (_) | | |___/ | |_ __ _ __ _| |___ | | '__| |/ _` | / __| | | | | | (_| | \__ \ |_|_| |_|\__,_|_|___/ Defeating the Ogre Trials is required for Sa san. If you need this trial, please contact the host to R.S.V.P. Host: Gracey Date: 1/4 Time: 12:30 AM EST ~> Please come prepared and also stay alert. You may be asked to help out in some way. The whole run will take about 2-3 hours. ~> Make sure you have no break on death items equipped or in your inventory. You will be dying at some point. ~> Please take time to read the quests below. <b> Overlord: Everyone will stand together at the bottom of the screen and try to keep each other alive. <b>Items Needed: Floating ring <b> 100 Angry essences per group (will be provided) <b> Breaking the Seal: A lot will be going on, so make sure to pay attention and help each other stay alive. <b>Items Needed: Floating ring <b> Spell of the Baekho scroll <b> Spell of the Chung ryong scroll <b> Spell of the Hyun moo scroll <b> Spell of the Ju jak scroll <b> (All scrolls will be provided) <b> Council: Getting everyone through the gauntlet takes the most time, so maybe practice before-hand so we can get there with ease. Once the trial is started, you will walk into the council area and die, so make sure you have no break on death items. Also, we may ask you to help surround some of the mobs and help us keep track of their health. <b>Items Needed: Your path's crystal (try to bring your own, <b> but we may have extra to loan out) <b> NnghZan: We usually ask everyone to die and surround the boss. We will give intructions once there. <b>Items Needed: None {IMB} Brought to you by the Imperial Ministry of Buya {IMB} | |