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-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- <b> _..--""---. <b> / ". ___ <b> ` l / __|_ _ __ ___ _____ <b> |'._ ,._ l/"\ | (_ | '_/ _` \ V / -_) <b> | _J<__/.v._/ ___\___|_| \__,_|\_/\___| <b> \( ,~._,,,,-) | _ \___| |__| |__ ___ _ _ ___ <b> `-\' \`,,j| | / _ \ '_ \ '_ \/ -_) '_(_-< <b> \_,____J |_|_\___/_.__/_.__/\___|_| /__/ <b> .--.__)--(__.--. <b> / `-----..--'. j <b> '.- '`--` `--' \\ .~Once again, the moon is full <b> // '`---'` `-' \\ and the dead rise on their <b> // '`----'`.-.-' \\ own to walk under the dark <b> _// `--- -' \' | \________ sky. Not all that <b> | | ) ( `.__.---- -'\ have risen are <b> \7 \`-( 74\\\ harmless, for <b> || _ /`-( l|//7__ it seems one <b> |l (' `-)-/_.--. /------''` -.-"| of these <b> |\ l\_ `-' .' | | | walking dead <b> llJ _ _)J--._.-(' | | l have stolen <b> |||( ( '_)_ .l ". _ | | | a sacred <b> ^\\\||`' " '"-. " | | | | artifact! <b> \ | ) / | | | <b> l l / / | | | We need anyone <b> " \ / / | | | willing to do <b> | | / / | | | drive these <b> | | / / | | | thieves back <b> J \ /" ( | | | and retrieve <b> | ().'`-()/ | | | our talisman! <b> _.-"_.____/ | l.-l <b> _.-"_.+"| / \. \ <b>/"\.-"_.-" | | / \ \ <b>\_ " | | | | `'| <b> |ll | | | i | <b> \\\ |-\ \j .. L,,'. `/ <b> __\\\ ( .-\ --' ``--../..' '-.. <b> `'''`----`\\\\ .....--'' <b> \\\\ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ,~'When: 2/17 630pm EST ,~'Where: The Valley of the Mudang Nagnang ((130,92)) ,~'Prize: **If you are CURSED, don't bother coming** Rules: |> No spells whatsoever - this includes ambush and sage. |> No showing emotions of any kind! ((Some spells use emotions! You wouldn't want us thinking you're cheating!)) |> You MUST use the F1 "Recover Deathpile" feature to recover any item a skeleton drops. If you obtain the talisman through ANY other means you will NOT be considered a winner and NOT receive a mark. |> If you recover a Talisman, whisper the host and tell them! |> Tell NO ONE you have the Talisman other than the host! |> No grouping of your powers, you must kill alone! ((You may WORK as a team, but you must remain ungrouped! G OFF!)) |> Pets tend to scare the grave robbers away, so refrain from summoning your pets. |> No usage of spear or polearm style weapons, to prevent injuring one another in the darkness of night. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- How to Play: ~: When you enter the Valley, stay inside the scrolled box, and equip your wooden saber! ~: The host will yell GO! Run and find Grave Robbers! ~: Trap and kill the skeletons. ~: When they die quickly use ((F1 Recover deathpile)) if you see a talisman drop from the body! ~: If you're lucky enough to receive the Talisman, whisper the host! ~: The lucky winner(s) will be given a mark by the Shaman! <b> " Captured the Graverobber X times " | |