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<b> / / <b> /' .,,,, ./ <b> /';' ,/ <b> / / ,,//,`'` <b> ( ,, '_, ,,,' `` <b> | /@ ,,, ;" ` K'urimja Presents... <b> / . ,''/' `,`` <b> / . ./, `,, ` ; <b> ,./ . ,-,',` ,,/''\,' Dragon's Head Pub! <b> | /; ./,,'`,,'' | | <b> | / ',' / | <b> \___/' ' | | <b> `,,' | / `\ <b> / | ~\ [a small strip of parchment with the dragon's seal flutters in the wind] A crowd of people tired from the quests and travels chatter in the mists. A man garbed in brown robes strides from the building behind them and whispers to one of the bouncers, then turns to walk back inside. The bouncer conveys the information to the others, then turns to the crowd, cupping his hands around his mouth. <b> "HAPPY HOUR BEGINS NOW!" The crowd rushes forth, stemmed only by the bouncers who let people trickle through to take their seats and order their ale or wine, to spread their tales or to sell their wares. Pretty barmaids with scandalously short dresses rush around selling pipes for a few gold coins, dancing, laughing, singing....and picking up an odd coin or two along the way... <b> Are you among the crowd? <b> You had better be. This is the Dragon's Head Pub, where anything can, and WILL happen. ==================================================== The K'urimja are delighted to invite you to an evening of fun, drink, games, and merriment at the Dragon's Head Pub. We hope you'll come and join us! In addition there will be Pot Gambles and Devil's Dance ((at 8:30pm EST)) hosted by the Merchants~ In addition, thanks to Silla and others we will be be holding a door raffle at the end of the night! Four Million gold to the winner, everyone who enters the pub will recieve a ticket! For those who need directions, the Dragon's Head Pub can be found directly off of the K'urimja clan garden (west side), in north eastern Nagnang ((119,007)). ((The party will take place this Sunday February 23rd, starting at 7:30pm EST)) | |