Board :Community Events
Author :Quotah
Subject :>>>---> Ranger 10k WOOL raffle <---<<<
Date :4/26

<b>10k W O O L      R A F F L E

    The Rangers will be holding a raffle during
      the month of May! The winner will receive
                 10,000 wool!

<b>Ticket sales open:
5/01/24 at 9am est

<b>Ticket sales close:
5/30/24 at 10pm est

<b>Raffle roll:
5/31/24 at 7pm est

<b>Early bird sales:
4/26/24 - 5/1/24 at 5am est - tickets bought during this time are 50k each

<b>Ticket cost:
100k each, no minimum or maximum

<b>Authorized ticket sellers:

Upon purchasing one or more ticket, you will be provided
with a corresponding set of ticket numbers to serve as
a receipt. After ticket sales close, a final list of
tickets and their owners will be posted to the community
events board. Soon after, the host will roll to determine
whichh ticket wins.

The Rangers must sell a minimum of 200 tickets or the sales will continue into the month of June.