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/)iviner Community Raffle The Divine Order proudly presents a Community Raffle! This Raffle will benefit two lucky winners AND one Subpath! *The Diviner subpath will also be taking a set 20% as host of this Community Raffle* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules: -Ticket price 50k / 50 Max Tickets **Extra tickets are allowed to be earned by trading in Tarot Cards. Each Tarot card will net you an extra ticket entry along with 25k donated to the pot from the Diviner Subpath. -Ticket numbers are issued as tickets are bought. -There will be three rolls conducted (See Prize section for explanation on rolls). *All Subpaths will be listed as sorted on (( with a number from 1 (top) to 11 (Numbered list is further down). Clans will be one month, Subpaths will be the following and will rotate each Raffle. -------------- -------------- Ticket purchase rules: -Ticket Sales Are Final and Non-Refundable! -Ticket sales will end at 10pm Eastern standard time on the last day of the month.)) -------------- -------------- Prizes: 1st Roll :: 70% of the collected gold. 2nd Roll :: Free I'ching reading. 3rd Roll :: This month will be "Subpaths" = 10% of the collected gold. 1. Barbarian 2. Chongun 3. Do 4. Merchant 5. Ranger 6. Spy 7. Geomancer 8. Shaman 9. Druid 10. Monk 11. Muse ------------------------------------------ Authorized ticket sales are ONLY by the current Ticket Master: <b>Sakuma Do not purchase these tickets from anyone else. ------------------------------------------ -The prize rolls will happen at South gate Kugnae, on the bridge. -It will be shortly after ((7pm EST)) on the first day of the following month, once all sales and tickets are updated and posted. -------------- -------------- At least 2 of the following must be present to Roll winners: Either 2 Subpath guides, 2 Clan council members or 1 Guide & 1 Council member representing at least 2 people or one Judge if one is available, will need to be present for the prize roll to happen or we will postpone to the next evening pending the same requirements. (Only Elder BatSheba, Guide Shoahs or a Judge if one is available will be permitted to roll the two winning numbers following the above requirements.) ------------------------------------------ /) Sakuma | |