Board :Community
Author :Abeo
Subject :Sick of ATG hunting, help please!
Date :2/10

Ancient Training Grounds (ATG) is without a doubt the best cave most people can hunt experience wise from level 99 until Ee san and possibly beyond. (I just hit Ee san on this warrior recently.)

Ancient Training Grounds being so much better experience, it feels like a waste of time to hunt any other caves for pure experience.

That all said, I'd love to know as a warrior (and poet duo), what is the first cave that is BETTER for my poet friend and I to hunt in after the ATG grind?

What do I mean by better? Purely experience wise. Only with a duo with poet/warrior.

Reply on this board or send me mail, I likely won't reply to whispers regarding this as I am usually busy if I am online.

Thanks in advance,
