Board :Community
Author :Abeo
Subject :Armor stats matters at Ee+ but why?
Date :2/26

Not to long ago I was looking into Hit and Dam stats, and all armor stats in general. I wanted to know if Hit or Dam mattered at Ee+ (I'm Ee rank) and talked to many people about it.

I was also pointed towards the warrior guild board for more information.

Almost every single person I talked to about this told me that these stats don't matter for damage/experience gains at Ee san and above, telling me that the way the multipler's work make it so the only item you need to worry about for damage/experience is your weapon.

I use to rock a pair of Ambrosia, because -10 ac, 5 Hit and 5 Dam is actually pretty good even at Ee. Solo'ing ATG 4 I would get 850-900 mil exp a rage average, and yes I watch for totem time and consider that when collecting info.

That said, recently I have switched from Ambrosia's to Old claw's and have noticed a 100 mil average experience increase per rage. I've been using the Old claw's long enough now to take a good average per rage, again considering totem time and only solo'ing. The old Claw's only increase my Hit and Dam by a total of 4 each, which doesn't seem like a lot.

So what is making the difference and why is almost every single person I ask telling me these stats don't matter for fighter's at Ee+ rank? 100 mil a rage isn't a huge difference, but it's a big enough difference in the long run.

I won't argue the math behind this all because I've never dug deep enough to know the value of stats myself. If all the math points to next to no gains from these stats at Ee+, the only reason I can think of are hidden values/stats on gear.

If anyone can explain to me what is happening here and what is actually making the difference (again nothing has changed on my end aside from the hand items) I'd really love to know.

Thanks in advance,
