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"Offer?" It's what everyone says while knowing the price they are looking for. Given the current state of the game everyone, especially long term players, are in a constant state of trying to scam each other. You'll see people buying Li's Keys to success during the santa Mhul event for 10m knowing full well in a few months they'll be trying to take advantage of other players by flipping it for 50m. What a great community we have in the remainder of this thin husk of a game right? Here's how trading works since most of you have forgotten basic decency: - WORLD SHOUT: "B> Item A" - WHISPER FROM SELLER: "I am selling item A for 2m gold" Now here is the important part. If you as the buyer think 2m gold is a bad price what do you do? Flame them? Ignore them? Both wrong! Wow! Try countering with the price you already have in your mind. - WHISPER FROM BUYER: "2m is steep, I've been buying them for 1m" Now here is the crazy part. Both people need to not be weirdos with uber fragile egos. Discuss the price and if you're far apart or a price cannot be reached thank the person for their whisper and part the conversation amicably. Mind blowing social tech I know not many of you are used to. In the sad state of this game where everyone is trying to scam each other lets return basic dignity and decency to our general interactions. -DELETED | |