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Poor chump, sucks to be weak. I know, because I am as well. Thankfully I am here to help, but it's going to cost you! No, you don't have to pay me, remember I'm weak, what do you think I was suggesting I'd leech you or something!? NO. I'm going to hook you up with some rad knowledge about the current event that's happening right now. WHAT COULD BE SO DANG SPECIAL THAT I'D MAKE A LONG STUPID POST LIKE THIS FOR YOU WONDER!? Well... My boy, my girl, listen up. There is an item in winter wonderland that costs 2,500 coins that will increase your mana ABOVE your normal mana cap by 10,000! And it stacks up to 20 times... MEANING you can increase your mana by 200,000 per stack if you want. It only lasts for one spell casts though! Which means, it's best use it for poor weak chumps like you and I, to cast higher rages and cunnings. You could be a rage 5 warrior in ATG 3 if you fancy spending the gold! That would be dumb though. I suggest using them to only increase your rage or cunning one or two times, unless your pockets are endless. ANYWAY I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE THINKING! "Shut up idiot and tell me where to get the goods!"... Go to your local inn and go get into one of the beds on the right side... NO, GET YOUR MIND OUTTA THE GUTTER FOOL. It'll portal you to either winter wonderland or nightmare land... You want to go to winter wonderland, so if you go to the wrong place, gate and try again FOOL. After you walk outside the buiding and are in the main area of winter wonderland open your MAP! There is a building in the bottom left hand side of the village called Toasty Eats. Go to that building and their is some ugly guy in the top left selling some gross sounding foods. You want to buy the Snowbunny floats for 2,500 coins each, again stacks up to 20 times. Now... I get nothing for telling you this, aside from the enjoyment of knowing you likely read this entire post and probably have a vein popping out because of how I wrote it. That said if you want to fund my 'stop being poor' fund, I accept checks in the mail, anywhere from 100k to 1 mil. Thanks in advance, don't be cheap. -Fleet P.S. - I'm so poor I wear lucky coins and a battle helm, merchant armor and uh... a wooden saber. Feel bad for me. | |