Board :Community
Author :Vinita
Subject :Tip your Host!
Date :12/1
((Hear me out, folks.

There are a few people who are keeping this game alive while we wait for GM to show a more active presence. If you appreciate these people, why not show it? Head to the messenger, pick up a little check, and send it as a thank you. Don't just thank them at the gate, they are volunteering their time for you and me, and trust me their compensation is a token, not a realistic return for the fact that they are paying to play while helping us have fun.

They deserve our appreciation.

Not just Carny/BL/FH/Elixir hosts, really. Elders, Primogens, Council & Guides, Judges, Ministers, Archons, Royals, random people who just help newbies to help them...

If you see someone doing something amazing and helping to keep the game alive, send them a tip.

Just my .5c after inflation
Vinita's pixel pusher))