Board :Dream Weaver
Author :Wony
Subject :Anniversary and Security
Date :7/1
During the anniversary, a total anonymous character may appear and be able to all the things, as the registered players would do, including advancing to higher stats, taking large amount of gold and valuable items, sending you regular NMail, posting, entering caves, and participating most events, etc..  This is something new to all of us.

While most of our players, even the new ones, are honest and dignified, very small portion of players may try to scam and harass the kind and unsuspecting players.  GM's and archons will work harder during the anniversary, to keep the citizens safe and secured, but we ask you to be extra careful during this festive season.  Please be courteous and helpful toward the strangers in the kingdoms, but always use your best judgment and common sense to protect yourselves and friends.

Thank you, and enjoy!
