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I'm sorry that you can't find excitement in a real activity over doing write-in event that everyone who has certain level of intelligence will only need less than 10 minutes. But as you said, different strokes. If you don't find them boring then kudos to you. I will take this opportunity to remind everyone that carnage win is NECESSARY for progression in this game. Some people cannot attend the scheduled events so all these bonuses help a lot! You will never hear someone says "oh look there's so many write-in events, i'm going tor register!!!" but people do come back to this game when there's active carnage events. This should tell what event is more important and fun. Also a reminder to all event organizers : If an event is interesting it will only need a single post because people will hear about it and will help spread the news. Everyone else will search high and low for the detail. If an event is boring you can spam the board every hour and the result will not change. You could harass hosts not to host bonuses and people still won't participate in your event. I will stop here. <><> Thank you to all carnage hosts! Without you Nexus would have been in a lot worse state <><> Dream : KRU we beg you to give us real event! Mongol Invasion maybe? Taal'yeein continuation? Red Flare 3? Asmodi? Pirate? Sky event? HH event? Alt buya/Nagnang event? Lost Mines hopefully! | |