Board :Guide
Author :RabSha
Subject :Tutoring
Date :8/7
Greetings citizen of the Nexus.  Are you new here perhaps?  Are you somewhat confused and finding the help of Ironheart not enough?  Do you have some questions on a spell or perhaps a question about your path's skills?  There is a solution to your problems.  Located in each of halls of your path, (such as mage hall, warrior hall), is a room off to the side. In it is a board.  Either look at the board (press ; next to it), or click on it.  On there you will find the names of the current tutor of your path.  Feel free to contact them with any questions or to come to one of the classes.  All information found about the tutors can be found on each path's board.  Locations of the Path halls themselves can be found under F1, Finding a place.  

 The tutors are here to help you understand this game and your skills better.  Feel free to wisper them any questions, or perhaps mail them if they are busy.