Board :Law
Author :Dalnum
Subject :Rambling Thoughts board
Date :10/14
Rambling Thoughts Guidelines -

This board permits out-of-game context under the condition that the topics discussed follow the Terms of Service.

Please ensure that your post reflects:
1. No insults towards another player and/or organization
a) This includes but is not limited to: the Justice dept., Carnage dept., etc.
2. No insults or derogatory comments towards our GM or KRU Int.
3. No Petitions

1 line posts and/or posts with minimal/senseless commentary will be automatically deleted.

All Kingdom laws still apply.
Concerns regarding a player and/or organization should be sent to the appropriate channel (i.e. head host, elder, archon, etcetera)

From Law board #162:
Inappropriate Posting/Board Abuse:
Any posts containing: profanity, references to drugs and/or real life drinking, sexual references (including innuendos), racial/ethnic discrimination will result in jail time with no warning.  
Warnings and eventual jailings will result for the following type of posts:
-Repeated insults towards other players
-Repeatedly breaking community board rules
-References to non Law 147 compliant websites

<b>1-line posts and its responses will be automatically deleted.  