Board :Law
Author :Maiyu
Subject :Pet Name Law
Date :7/23
Pet Name Law:

All pet names must be in accordance with all other kingdom laws.

No pet names names may contain curse words or words that suggest profanity using abbreviations, sexual terms, racial terms, drug references, offensive references, attempts to go around the filter, or advertisements.

You may not use the pets name, in combination with the type of pet to create innuendo or make references to the things mentioned above.

Please seek permission before using pet names that are also player names. Common names are excluded. You may not use a pet name to harass another player.

You will only receive one warning on this issue, further violations of this law can result in the loss of your pet. Blatant and extreme disregard for this rule can result in a loss of your pet on the spot as well as a jailing for unspecified serious crimes.

Hyul 17