9694/6Archon Primogen Alilolelotte   ** Pending marks**
9683/18Archon Aura   Closure of Revels and Story Contest
9673/13Archon Poems   1st Place by badbunny
9663/13Archon Poems   2nd Place by aeza
9653/13Archon Poems   1st HM by Yule
9643/13Archon Poems   2nd HM by SupermanBB
9633/13Archon Poems   3rd HM by LuluTobing
9623/13Archon Poems   4th HM by Gubi
9613/4Archon Poems   Revels to Riches  ((3/10/2023))
9593/4Archon Poems   Revels to Riches - part II
9582/26Archon Aura   Change in schedule for Revels to Riches
9572/26Archon Poems   1st Place by Anix
9562/26Archon Poems   2nd Place by Lushi
9552/26Archon Poems   1st HM by CharSultan
9542/26Archon Poems   2nd HM by Quota
9532/26Archon Poems   3rd HM by Kyosei
9522/26Archon Poems   4th HM by Dwalin
9512/19Archon Poems   Revels to Riches  ((2/24/2023))
9502/19Archon Poems   Revels to Riches - part II
9492/19Archon Poems   1st Place by ChangZ
9482/19Archon Poems   2nd Place by Walliford
9472/19Archon Poems   1st HM by solder
9462/19Archon Poems   2nd HM by kemoCheng
9452/19Archon Poems   3rd HM by Anix
9442/19Archon Poems   4th HM by badbunny
9432/11Archon Poems   Revels to Riches  ((2/17/2023))
9422/11Archon Poems   Revels to Riches - part II
9412/11Archon Poems   1st Place by BatSheba
9402/11Archon Poems   2nd Place by Lafayette
9392/11Archon Poems   1st HM by Serengeti
9382/11Archon Poems   2nd HM by MegaHealer
9362/11Archon Poems   3rd HM by ImAdude
9352/11Archon Poems   4th HM by Gomdori
9342/4Archon Poems   Revels to Riches  ((2/10/2023))
9332/4Archon Poems   Revels to Riches - part II
9322/4Archon Poems   1st Place by Chlomo
9312/4Archon Poems   2nd Place by Kaoru
9302/4Archon Poems   1st HM by Ayce
9292/4Archon Poems   2nd HM by Radgast
9282/4Archon Poems   3rd HM by Aurelia
9272/4Archon Poems   4th HM by cookiestar
9261/29Archon Poems   Revels to Riches  ((2/3/2023))
9251/29Archon Poems   Revels to Riches - part II
9241/29Archon Poems   1st Place by Transistor
9231/29Archon Poems   2nd Place by Bellamie
9221/29Archon Poems   1st HM by SAWYER
9211/29Archon Poems   2nd HM by Isana
9201/29Archon Poems   3rd HM by Dwalin
9191/29Archon Poems   4th HM by ImAdude
9181/22Archon Poems   Revels to Riches  ((1/27/2023))

Last updated :