There are a few basic keyboard commands you will need to begin with. To view the entire list of commands push '?' To speak aloud to those immediately around you press ' then what you wish to say, followed by enter. To whisper to one person use " then type the person's name and hit enter, then type what you want to say followed by enter. To view your status press 's'. To view your inventory press 'i'. Attacking a creature can be done with either the space bar or the 'a' key. Spells that you have learned can be viewed by pressing '+' These spells are cast by typing 'Z' and the letter of the spell. Many spells are targetable and you move the target box with either your arrow keys or left clicking with the mouse and you cast it when you hit enter. Also, much information is provided on the F1and F10 keys. To copy text highlight it by holding down shift and the arrow key, to copy use control c to paste use control v. Screenshots may be taken by pressing 'scroll lock' (often needed in Justice cases, as well as preserving memories) Screenshots can be found in your Nexus folder under the screechshots section on your hard drive.