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Many players are scammed into giving out their passwords after repeated warnings to never do this. REPEAT AFTER ME..........NEXON WILL *NEVER* ASK FOR YOUR PASSWORD! Anyone that claims to need your password, claims to be a nexon employee, claims they have to have your password to 'fix you charecter are lying! This is purely a scam, once again NEXON WILL NEVER, NEVER EVER, ABSOLUTLY NEVER ASK FOR YOUR PASSWORD. They don't EVER need your password to 'fix' your character, they don't need your password to prove you aren't charecter sharing, they don't need your password for ANYTHING. I don't care if a charecter with the name Kismet asks for your password, NEVER EVER give it out! Please read the law board concerning character sharing, understand that if you give your password out to another, including a scammer, you are subject to all the penalties of that law. There are plenty of warnings about passwords. There is no real excuse for being duped by this scam. According to the licensing agreement you are responsible for your charecter and all it's actions. This includes what someone else does with your charecter if you give them your password. Once again, NEXON WILL ~*NEVER*~ ASK FOR YOUR PASSWORD!!! | |