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After many weeks of work, Guji finally finished constructing on the new entrance to the Lost Mines. It definitely took longer than he expected. While digging the expanded tunnel around the rabbit hole wasn't that hard for him, Guji ended finding trouble with the muddy walls of the mining cave. He needed to make sure the new entrance would be strong enough to not collapse like the old one. However, the type of wood people helped him collect wasn't strong enough to create a strong structure enough to sustain the new entrance tunnel, and so, he needed more time for the moisty mud on the walls to dry. Now that the new entrance was created by Guji, it can also serve as an exit for the trapped miners who have survived for a long time underground. Yet, before seeing the sunlight again, the Mining clan still needs to treat their wounded co-workers. While most of them have taken refuge in the old Supply Cache, some of them are still in need of rescue. After enduring for so long together, the miners swore to leave no women or men behind. Can you help them? | |